English-CBES Board(Class 11-English MCQ Question / Sentence Correction Set 2 Sample Test,Sample questions

"Will you come too,? she pleaded.

1."Will you come too,? she pleaded.

2."Will you come too?" she pleaded.

3."Will you come too, "pleaded she?.

4."Will you come too,? she said.

A girl as I would never be seen in a place like that.

1.A girl as I would never be seen in a place like that.

2.A girl as me would never be seen in a place like that.

3.A girl like I am would never be seen in a place like that.

4.A girl like me would never be seen in a place like that.

A sight to inspire fear are wild animal on the loose.

1.A sight to inspire fear are wild animal on the loose.

2.A sight to inspire fear is wild animals on the loose.

3.A sight to inspire fear have been wild animals on the loose.

4.A sight to inspire fear were wild animals loose.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

1.Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

2.Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

3.Ask not who the bell tolls for; it tolls for thee.

4.Ask not for who the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

Between you and I, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw.

1.Between you and I, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw.

2.Between you and me, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw.

3.Betwixt you and I, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw.

4.Between we, my opinion is that this room is certainly nicer than the first one we saw.

Either the girls or he is right.

1.Either the girls or he is right.

2.Either the girls or him are right.

3.Either the girls or he are right.

4.Either the girls nor he is right.

Ending a sentence with a preposition is something with which I will not put up..

1.Ending a sentence with a preposition is something with which I will not put up..

2.To end a sentence with a preposition is that which I will not put up with.

3.Ending a sentence with a preposition is something of which I will not put up.

4.Something I will not put up with is ending a sentence with a preposition.

Every pupil in the whole class understood the assignment except me and that is why I feel so stupid.

1.Every pupil in the whole class understood the assignment except me and that is why I feel so stupid.

2.Every pupil in the whole class understood the assignment excepting I and that is why I feel so stupid.

3.Every pupil in the whole class understood the assignment outside of me and that is why I fwwl so stupid.

4.Every pupil in the whole class understood the assignment excepting me and that is why I feel so stupid.

Everyone took off their hat and stood up to sing the national anthem.

1.Everyone took off their hat and stood up to sing the national anthem.

2.Everyone take off their hat and stand up to sing the national anthem.

3.Everyone took off his hat and stood up to sing the national anthem.

4.Everyone have taken off their hats and standing up to sing the national anthem.

Flinging himself at the barricade; he pounded on it furiously.

1.Flinging himself at the barricade; he pounded on it furiously.

2.Flinging himself at the barricade: he pounded on it furiously.

3.Flinging himself at the barricade; he pounded on it furiously.

4.Flinging himself at the barricade, he pounded on it furiously.

For many years, the settlers had seeked to workship as they pleased.

1.For many years, the settlers had seeked to workship as they pleased.

2.For many years, the settlers sought to workship as they pleased.

3.For many years, the settlers sought to have workshiped as they pleased.

4.For many years, the settlers had been seeking to workship as they pleased.

George served soup, to the hungry campers in large mugs.

1.George served soup, to the hungry campers in large mugs.

2.George served soup to the hungry campers, in large mugs.

3.George served soup in the large mugs, to the hungry campers.

4.George served soup in the large mugs to the hungry campers.

He works more diligent now that he had become vice president of the company.

1.He works more diligent now that he had become vice president of the company.

2.He works more diligently now that he has become vice president of the company.

3.He began to work more diligent now that he had become vice president of the company.

4.He worked more diligently now that he had became vice president of the company.

Henderson, the president of the class and since he is captain of the team, will lead the rally.

1.Henderson, the president of the class and since he is captain of the team, will lead the rally.

2.Henderson, the president of the class and captain of the team, will lead the rally.

3.Henderson, the president of the class and also being captain of the team, will lead the rally.

4.Henderson, the president of the class and who be also captain of the team, will lead the rally.

How much have food costs rose during the past year?

1.How much have food costs rose during the past year?

2.How much have food costs risen during the past year?

3.How much has food costs risen during the past year?

4.How much have food costs been raised during the past year?

I had already finished the book before you came in.

1.I had already finished the book before you came in.

2.I had previously finished the book before you came in.

3.I had already finished the book before you come on.

4.I had all finished the book before you came in.

I hoped that John could accept a compromise between the approved forces.

1.I hoped that John could accept a compromise between the approved forces.

2.I hoped that John could except a compromise between the approved forces.

3.I hoped that John would have effected a compromise among the approved forces.

4.I hoped that John could affect a compromise among the approved forces.

If he would drink more milk, his health would have been better.

1.If he would drink more milk, his health would have been better.

2.If he had drank more milk, his health would have been better.

3.If he had he drunk more milk, his health would have been better.

4.If he had drunk more milk, his health would have been better.

It is important to know for what kind of a person for whom you are working.

1.It is important to know for what kind of a person for whom you are working.

2.It is important to know for what kind of person you are working.

3.It is important to know for what kind of a person you are working for

4.It is important to know for what kind of a person you are working for.

It was beautiful to see but unusually strenuous to dance ballet.

1.It was beautiful to see but unusually strenuous to dance ballet.

2.The beautiful to see ballet was, however, strenuous to dance unusually so.

3.The ballet was beautiful to see but unusually strenuous to dance.

4.The ballet was beautiful to see but unusually strenuous in dancing

Jack had no sooner lain down and fallen asleep than the alarm sounded.

1.Jack had no sooner lain down and fallen asleep than the alarm sounded.

2.Jack had no sooner lay down and fell asleep than the alarm sounded.

3.Jack had no sooner lain down and fell asleep than the alarm sounded.

4.Jack had no sooner lain down than he fell asleep when the alarm sounded.

Jackon is one of the few sophomores, who has ever made the varsity team.

1.Jackon is one of the few sophomores, who has ever made the varsity team.

2.Jackon is one of the few sophomores, who have ever made the varsity team.

3.Jackon is one of the few sophomores who have ever made the varsity team.

4.Jackon is one of the few sophomores who has ever made the varsity team.

John was the only one of the boys who, as you know, were not eligible.

1.John was the only one of the boys who, as you know, were not eligible.

2.John was the only one of the boys whom as you know were not eligible.

3.John was the only one of the boys who, as you know, were not eligible.

4.John was the only one of the boys who as you know is not eligible.

Just forty years ago, there had fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United State.

1.Just forty years ago, there had fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United State.

2.Just forty years ago, there were fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United States.

3.Just forty years ago, there was fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United States.

4.Just forty years ago, there existed fewer than one hundred symphony orchestras in the United States.

Knowing little about Algebra, the equation was difficult to solve.

1.Knowing little about Algebra, the equation was difficult to solve.

2.Knowing little about Algebra, the solution to the equation was difficult to find.

3.Knowing little about Algebra, I found it difficult to solve the equation.

4.Knowing little about Algebra, it being difficult to solve the equation.

Of the two theaters in the town that show first run movies, the Rex has the lowest prices.

1.Of the two theaters in the town that show first run movies, the Rex has the lowest prices.

2.Of the two theaters in the town which show first run movies, the Rex has the lowest prices.

3.Of the two theaters in the town that show first run movies, the Rex has the lower prices.

4.Of the two theaters in the town that show first run movies, the Rex has the lowest prices.

Our car has always run well on that kind of gasoline.

1.Our car has always run well on that kind of gasoline.

2.Our car has always ran good on that kind of gasoline.

3.Our car has always ran well on that kind of gasoline.

4.Our car has always runs good on that kind of gasoline.

Please, let whe and I do it.

1.Please, let whe and I do it.

2.Please, let she and me do it.

3.Please, let her and me do it.

4.Please, let her and him do it.

She promised me that if she had the opportunity she would have come regardless of the weather.

1.She promised me that if she had the opportunity she would have come regardless of the weather.

2.She assured me that had she had the opportunity, she would have come regardless of the weather.

3.She assured me that if she would have had the opportunity she would have come regardless of the weather.

4.She promised me that if she had had the opportunity she would have came irregardless of the weather.

Sitting around the bonfire on the beach, mystery stories were told by each of us.

1.Sitting around the bonfire on the beach, mystery stories were told by each of us.

2.Sitting around the bonfire on the beach, mystery stories were told by all of us.

3.Sitting around the bonfire on the beach, each of us told mystery stories.

4.Sitting around the bonfire on the beach, stories of mystery were told by each of us.

Take courage Tom we all make mistakes.

1.Take courage Tom we all make mistakes.

2.Take courage, Tom; we all make mistakes.

3.Take courage, Tom we all make mistakes.

4.Take courage!, Tom; we. all make mistakes.

The enemy fled in many directions leaving its weapons on the field.

1.The enemy fled in many directions leaving its weapons on the field.

2.The enemy fled in many directions letting their weapons on the field.

3.The enemy fled in many directions leaving alone there weapons on the field.

4.The enemy fled in many directions leaving their weapons on the field.

The lawyer promised to notify I and my father of his plans for a new trial.

1.The lawyer promised to notify I and my father of his plans for a new trial.

2.The lawyer promised to notify me and our father of his plans for a new trial.

3.The lawyer promised to notify my father and me of his plans for a new trial.

4.The lawyer promised to notify mine father and me of his plans for a new trial.

The man decided it would be advisable to marry a girl somehow younger than him.

1.The man decided it would be advisable to marry a girl somehow younger than him.

2.The man decided it would be advisable to marry a girl some younger than him.

3.The man decided it would be advisable to marry a girl somewhat younger than him.

4.The man decided it would be advisable to marry a girl somewhat younger than he.

The most important feature of the series of tennis lessons were the large number of strokes taught.

1.The most important feature of the series of tennis lessons were the large number of strokes taught.

2.The most important feature of the series of tennis lessons was the large amount of strokes taught.

3.The most important feature of the series of tennis lessons was the largeness of the amount of strokes taught.

4.The most important feature of the series of tennis lessons was the large number of strokes taught.

The three characters in the story are Hobart a teenager; his mother; a widow; and the druggist.

1.The three characters in the story are Hobart a teenager; his mother; a widow; and the druggist.

2.The three characters in the story are; Hobart, a teenager; his mother, a widow and the druggist.

3.The three characters in the story are Hobart a teenager; his mother, a widow and the druggist.

4.The three characters in the story are Hobart a teenager, his mother; a widow and the druggist.

There was a serious difference of opinion among she and I.

1.There was a serious difference of opinion among she and I.

2.There was a serious difference of opinion between her and I.

3.There was a serious difference of opinion between her and me.

4.There was a serious difference of opinion among her and me I.

To cope with the imminent oil shortage, it required that we reassess our private transportation.

1.To cope with the imminent oil shortage, it required that we reassess our private transportation.

2.To cope with the eminent oil shortage, it required that we reassess our private transportation.

3.To cope with the imminent oil shortage, we had the requirement to reassess our private transportation.

4.To cope with the imminent oil shortage, we needed to reassess our private transportation.

We had ridden almost a kilometer when the scattering shells beginning to land.

1.We had ridden almost a kilometer when the scattering shells beginning to land.

2.We had ridden almost a kilometer when the scattering shells began to land.

3.We had ridden almost a kilometer when the scattering shells having begun to land.

4.We had ridden almost a kilometer when the scattering shells begin to land.

When he began to give us advise, we stopped listening.

1.When he began to give us advise, we stopped listening.

2.When he begun to give us advice, we stopped listening.

3.When he began to give us advice, we stopped listening.

4.When he begin to give us advice, we stopped listening.

Your sweater has been laying on the floor since a week.

1.Your sweater has been laying on the floor since a week.

2.Your sweater has been lying on the floor for a week.

3.Your sweater laid on the floor for a week.

4.Your sweater has been lain on the floor for a week.


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  95. English MCQ Question - Sentence Correction Set 2
  96. English MCQ Question - Sentence Correction
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  118. English Sentence Completion Part 2
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  124. English Synonyms Set-2
  125. English Active and Passive Voice
  126. Error Correction Underlined Part
  127. English Fill in the blanks set 1
  128. English Fill in the blanks Set-2
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